Womens Health

7 Habits that women should quit to take care of their health

7 Habits that women should quit to take care of their health
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How many of us see our mom taking care of her health? The answer is very few, and most of them hardly take care of their health. Especially, working women hardly get the time to take care of their health.

This is entirely unacceptable because a woman must take care of her health. After all, it is the sore need. According to gynecologists, the bone density of a woman started to reduce after approaching the age of 35. This is quite common for women because their bodies lack calcium and vitamin essentially.

Due to the monthly menstruation cycle and after giving birth to a child, women lose lots of blood. As a result, there creates a deficit of calcium from that time. Therefore, if a woman continues to have an unhealthy lifestyle, it would have difficult for her to stay well.

For this reason, a woman must quit these habits to become the owner of sound health.

7 Habits that women should quit to take care of her health

  • Smoking:

When it comes to the matter of smoking, there are no diseases that can’t take place due to this habit. From cancer to heart disease, all can occur just because of smoking—irrespective of men and women, the chance of getting diseased is quite common.

For women, the chance is higher than men as already a woman physique undergoes lots of crisis. In comparison to men, many changes occur in women’s physique that weakens the inner condition. Therefore, they must not smoke to enhance the scope of getting ill early.

  • Quitting health check-ups:

A routine health check-up always helps to understand the inner condition of the body. If you skip the check-up, then it will become challenging to know where the problem started. The only purpose of a thorough health check-up is to detect the disease early.

According to renowned gynecologist Dr. Carol William, most women hardly understand that they are carrying such diseases before checking up on their health. A thorough screening will help a woman to know the root of the problem. Therefore, without skipping health screening, one must go for a check-up.

  • Late night party:

Not only applying anti-aging cream will help. Instead, you must sleep for at least 6 hours a day. Without having a night of adequate sleep, you will become diseased quickly. Besides, you may also suffer from wrinkles and dark circles under the eye area.

 Yes, the weekend party you may enjoy but make sure you must quit late at night repeatedly.

  • Forgetting about sun screen:

Women generally do not skip sunscreen to save their skin from being tanned. But some girls forget about this and hardly bother to apply sunscreen on their skin before leaving the house. Now, harmful UV rays can become the cause of tan and increase the chance of skin cancer.

Therefore, it is advisable to always put on sunscreen before leaving form the house. Only then you can stay beautiful and keep your skin healthy.

  • Skipping the test of calcium level:

As mentioned earlier, most of the time, women suffer from inadequate calcium levels. As a result, they feel tired after a certain age and unable to work like before. The intensity of the problem becomes higher for single working mothers as they hardly get some rest.

Besides, maintaining households without missing any deadlines keeps those away from taking care of their health. As a result, a woman hardly gets time to take a proper diet. Therefore, it is imperative to fulfill the requirement of calcium in the body.

  • Not engaging herself in exercise:

Very often, women skip their exercise routine just because of no time. This is something completely unacceptable. Regular exercise will boost your mind and keep you healthy. So, without skipping, a woman should do exercise daily.

  • Alcohol drinking:

Gynecologists always advise women not to drink excessive alcohol. This is because it badly affects a woman’s health, and in some cases, it may ruin the ability to give birth to a child. Therefore, consumption of liquor is strictly prohibited for women.

Important tests that a women should undergo every year

Health is wealth. It is a very popular saying which is applicable not only for women instead for everyone. To keep our wealth in proper condition, one should always take care of his health. Besides, there is no exception to routine check-ups.

However, when it comes to the matter of women, do you know what type of tests you must undergo? Here we will discuss these basic tests. Some of them are expensive, and some of them are budget-friendly. If you have fund issues, apply for small payday loans that require no credit check and offer loans in Ireland.          

  1. Measure cholesterol atleast once a year if you are a non-vegetarian. Most of the time, heart diseases take place silently because of uncontrolled cholesterol for a long time.
  2. Examine the pelvic area, and Pap Smears atleast within an interval of 3 years. After approaching the age of 40, you should undergo these two tests.
  3. As breast cancer has become very common nowadays, so do check-up atleast once a year. Now gynaecologists are advising to do mammograms atleast once a year after 45. Besides, you should also check your breast once a month by yourself.
  4. Examine the condition of the bones. Women have the tendency to suffer from osteoarthritis more than men. So, after 65 years, a woman must examine the condition of bone health by doing osteoporosis.
  5. As women generally use lots of skincare products all along her life, it is also essential to examine the skin.

Regular screening after an interval will help a woman to detect disease at its initial stage. Therefore, if a woman quits such bad habits and undergoes such screening, she may stay healthy for a long time without facing any issues.

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